Vending Booth set up for the weekend for event participants
We are planning a fun and relaxed weekend exploring the beautiful natural areas of Shawnee State Forest in Scioto County, and the wild areas in Adams County. We expect to find some amazing wildflowers, migrant warblers who have returned to nest, and many other amazing creatures we will see during our daytime and nighttime forays into nature. Our past safaris have proven that there is always something new and fascinating to discover in the Hills of Shawnee and Ohio TNC / Edge of Appalachia preserve system. In addition, we will visit Kamama Prairie, one of the Arc of Appalachia preserves. Our home base will be at the Shawnee Lodge & Conference Center.
In addition to the daytime field trips, on Friday night, naturalist Jim McCormac will introduce you to warblers and wildflowers that you will likely see on your weekend field trips. On Saturday night, you will get a look into Ohio Bobcat conservation by Dr. Shauna Weyrauch. On Sunday morning at 10:00 am, Dr. Doug Tallamy will give us an inspiring and educational talk about the latest news on native plants! His talk will be open to the public for $15.00 fee. Evening talks are followed by various field trips and mothing at the sheets with Diane Placto Brooks.